我們提供各款日韓專業蠟燭導師證書課程,興趣班,自選/提升技巧班。請參考以下各個課程內容。興趣班連結內已附上課堂日子和報名表格。(海外線上課程請按這連結 For overseas zoom courses please click here).
Feataure Courses 最新課程
Certificate Courses 證書課程
All certificates are issued by respective candle association in Korea and Japan. These are instructor certificates, which means that students will be qualified to offer the same certificate course upon completion. Certificate courses ranges from 4 to 30 hours approximately. Most of them are available in zoom (origin: Hong Kong). Click on the photo below for more details.
Non Certificate Hobby or Special Design Candle Classes 興趣班/設計蠟燭/系列課程
Limited Time Only 期間限定